Hey there everybody, Happy Almost-September! It's been quite some time since we've posted and sent out an Email blast at the same time, but here we are...
We've been feeling really fired up to get back into production on our few ongoing projects, so here's what we've got right now:
► Tranquil Garden, our RPG Maker project about cultivating relationships to grow strong enough to save the world has been released on our GameJolt.com and Itch.io pages. We're playtesting the main build of the game one last time on Windows platforms to prepare it for a Steam launch, and we're trying to get it working well on MacOS!
► Tranquil Garden: Roshambo, our tie-in mobile game that's just a simply fun Rock-Paper-Scissors duel with passwords that'll unlock cool extras in the main Tranquil Garden title is going to be re-releasing on our Itch.io page and on the Android Play Store soon. We're just working out some last-minute kinks with the project and polishing it up a bit more!
► Clear Circuits, our ongoing mobile puzzle game has been progressing well in its production phase. At this point in time, we're adding more details to the level designs as well to the playable game bits. With some more visual polish and levels created for our 5 machine stages, you'll be able to experience a fun, accessible, and addictive time solving puzzles with our very own Kairo the Glass Robot!
Check out more in-depth updates and our released games over on GlassRobot.Itch.io or GameJolt.com/@GlassRobot!
In addition to keeping up the production cycles of our games, the Glass Robot Team will continue to provide fun and informative content via our other networks!
► We'll be working closely with the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) NYC branch as a Satellite Team to organize more virtual events to support the local indie game developer scene! Recently, we actually hosted a presentation via their Twitch and YouTube Channels about "how to effectively pitch your own projects." We're hoping to have many other events and presentation opportunities to support creators lined up, moving forward, so please feel free to check out IGDA NYC's Discord Server to learn more and join the fun!
► We'll be working on getting Tranquil Garden playable on MacOS without any game-breaking bugs (it crashes primarily due to how Mac computers handle local file-saving), but we're aiming to launch it for Windows on Steam within the next week or so. Stay tuned!
► We'll be keeping an eye out for what key game developer functions might be occurring throughout September. It doesn't even have to be something that we can present or showcase a project at, but we here at Glass Robot really want more opportunities to connect with local communities. Let us know via Social Media if you have any ideas or info on what's going on! And speaking of socials...
For more updates on Tranquil Garden, the Roshambo tie-in, Clear Circuits, please stay tuned with us on all kinds of networking channels like Twitter, Instagram, and more!
Mailing List ► http://eepurl.com/grckyb
Facebook ► https://www.Facebook.com/GlassRobotGames
Twitter ► https://Twitter.com/GlassRobotGames
Instagram ► https://www.Instagram.com/GlassRobotGames
Official Website ► https://www.GlassRobotGames.com/
YouTube ► http://bit.ly/Glass-Robot-Games-YouTube
Thanks so much for tuning into this Glass Robot Report! We look forward to sharing more progress with you in the future, so please take care and have a wonderful start to September!
Logan Cavaliere
Lead Director and Co-Founder
Glass Robot Games